Photography Artistic Expressions: The Future of a City I'm the guy that gets the call to take the photograph that can't be photographed. Basically, I create what doesn't exist. Aaron Westgate July 30, 2008 1
LightroomPhotographyPhotoshopTutorials Turn Down the Noise in Photoshop CS3 In this tutorial we’ll take a look at various techniques for dealing with noise. sean duggan July 22, 2008 17
Photography The Art of the On-Location Portrait One of our goals was to take a series of on-location portraits. In this column, I’ll share with you some of the photographs from that ... Aaron Westgate July 8, 2008 6
Photography Evolution of a Photo Shoot Understanding the importance of the photo shoot process, and the need to work toward the exact shot you want, helps you get that perfect photograph. Aaron Westgate May 29, 2008 1
PhotographyPhotoshopTutorials Masking Hair in Photoshop CS3 Masking hair is one of the harder challenges faced when you want to move a subject from one background to another. Here are two techniques ... chris alvanas May 20, 2008 88
LightroomPhotographyTutorials Pseudo-HDR in Lightroom There are many techniques for combining photos into one High Dynamic Range image. Follow along with this workflow to create the effect using Lightroom. mark fleming April 21, 2008 22
PhotographyPhotoshopTutorials Applying Digital Makeup in Photoshop CS3 Photographer Chris Alvanas demonstrates three ways to apply digital makeup to your subjects. Aaron Westgate April 17, 2008 42
Photography Adventures in Infrared Imaging Every adventure begins with a first step and so it is with the creative world of digital infrared (IR) imaging. That first step is to ... Aaron Westgate April 14, 2008 5