High-Speed Flash for Dynamic Photos | Tutorial
Step Five
Let the fun begin! My lights were ready, so it was time to get my camera ready. I put my Nikon D300s with a fisheye lens attached in an AquaTech underwater housing. I put my PocketWizard MiniTT1 transmitter in an AquaTech Nikon Speedlight housing connected to the camera housing. Now I could trigger my Rangers even if my camera was underwater. I jumped into my wetsuit and waded into the surfing hole. Things can get tricky shooting in fast moving water. I communicated with the kayaker to get him as close to the lens as he could, and hoped I wouldn’t fall in the river.
A big challenge was keeping the lens port relatively spot free. Every water drop on the port shows up in the final image. A quick fix was to dunk the housing underwater which eliminated most of the spray drops.