Design The Art of Type: Stroke, Stroke, Stroke In this issue, we’ll take a look at how one simple trick—altering a character’s stroke—can create some effects that are very special indeed. james felici January 10, 2011 9
Design Art of Type: Changing the Rules In this column, we’ll look at some useful tricks you can perform combining InDesign styles with its controls over paragraph rules and underscores. james felici November 4, 2010 4
Design Art of Type: Out of Scale There was a time when few designers dared to venture into the murky world of the Adobe InDesign justification controls. The good news is that ... james felici August 25, 2010 3
Design The Art of Type: It’s All Relative Despite what your dialogs and panels may say about the size of your type, some faces simply look smaller or larger than others. Some of ... james felici June 29, 2010 1
Design The Art of Type: One-Click Typesetting Nested styles in InDesign are a great time saver, reducing complex formatting tasks to a single mouse click. james felici May 4, 2010 0
Design The Art of Type: Dash Away All Dashes have visual, typographical roles as well as grammatical ones. james felici March 17, 2010 2
Design The Art of Type: Table Manners Adobe InDesign offers very precise and explicit control over leading, except in tables, that is, where controlling leading can be a struggle. james felici January 5, 2010 2
Design The Art of Type: Following the Script Script faces come in many forms, from formal engraving faces to loose advertising faces to those that attempt to imitate everyday handwriting. james felici November 2, 2009 0