Design Artistic Expressions: Illustrative Text The written word has always been considered to possess great power. There are thousands of different fonts available that can give what you’re saying an ... Bert Monroy January 26, 2011 3
Design ARTISTIC EXPRESSIONS: Align Layers Ever have one of those times with your spouse or friend where you’d love to have a shot of the two of you but there’s ... Bert Monroy November 10, 2010 13
Design Artistic Expressions: Needlework Some things can be so complex. Isn't it great that Photoshop makes them easy? All you need to know is how things work and you ... Bert Monroy September 2, 2010 2
Design Artistic Expressions: Wear and Tear Making things look old and dirty is another matter and a little tougher. People usually use Photoshop to make things look “nice and clean,” and ... Bert Monroy July 28, 2010 0
Design Artistic Expressions: Mapping Textures In this tutorial, you’ll see how Illustrator handles shape creation as well as texture mapping. Bert Monroy May 5, 2010 4
Design Artistic Expressions: Sweet Delights Sometimes it’s necessary to use both Illustrator and Photoshop to get a particular effect. Bert Monroy February 1, 2010 0
Design Artistic Expressions: Creating a 3D Sign Though the concept of 3D tends to scare many people, it’s there to make things easier. Bert Monroy July 8, 2009 5
Design Artistic Expressions: The Dark Side In the world of imaging, one of the most important things to consider is that lighting sets the mood. The composition and subject matter are ... Bert Monroy March 20, 2009 0