
Secret to Replacing Skies | Photoshop Video Tutorial | KelbyOne

Hey everyone, Matt Kloskowski here. If you shoot outdoors, you know as well as I do that sometimes you just can’t pick the conditions you’re shooting in. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve had this great landscape photo shoot set up and looked at the weather forecast that showed some nice dramatic cloudy weather moving in. And when that magic sunrise or sunset moment happens, all of those clouds seem to dissipate and I get clear bald skies.
Well, I put together a video for you on some of my secrets to replacing those skies with a nice more colorful one. I think you’ll find that with the combination of picking the right photos ahead of time (and by the way, sometimes the answer is not to replace the sky at all), along with some of the hidden Photoshop selection tips and tricks, you’ll get a seamless sky replacement that’ll really take your photos up a notch. Enjoy!
If you’re into landscape photography and want more Photoshop tutorials to help make your images pop, then make sure you check out Matt‘s personal blog on all of his landscape adventures and tips over at If you are looking for more ways to make your landscape Photography rise to the next level, try this course from Bill Fortney: Intimate Landscape Photography.