
On Location Photography: Edgy, Athletic Portrait

Step Four

Edgy, Athletic Portrait

We’ve now illuminated every part of Janelle, except her front, as I wanted to keep strong shadows there to add dimension and mood to the image. My shots, however, revealed that the shadow was too strong. To fix this, I bounced another Ranger with a 27.5″ Deep Octa into a 4×6′ Lastolite Skylite silver reflector. This giant reflector added some fill and more catchlights to our subject.

Edgy, Athletic Portrait

Tom Bol

After experimenting with different positions and heights for the reflector, I noticed that her eyes didn’t have as much fill light as I wanted. Then, I aimed the Deep Octa right at Janelle, but at a very low power.

Edgy, Athletic Portrait

Perfect! The higher light position added fill and catchlights to her eyes, but didn’t eliminate the shadows on her body. 

Edgy, Athletic Portrait

Tom Bol

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