DesignInDesign Type and Link without Missing a Beat You’re doing some writing in InDesign and you’re getting close to the bottom of your page. Thinking ahead, you decide to create your next page ... jeff witchel August 7, 2006 0
DesignIllustrator Measurements Do Not Account for Strokes Because so much of what you can do in Illustrator is vector plus effects, a stroke around an object is considered to be just another ... jeff witchel August 4, 2006 0
PhotoshopTutorials Designing an Old Album in Photoshop Felix Nelson, Creative Director for the National Association of Photoshop Professionals, shows how to make an "old style" record using Photoshop. Felix Nelson August 4, 2006 0
DesignInDesign Deleting All Guides on a Spreads In tip a while back, I described a way to quickly delete all Ruler Guides on a Spread by going to the Layers menu > ... jeff witchel August 3, 2006 0
DesignIllustrator Navigating Your Way to a Perfect View One way to zoom in for a close-up view of a design is to marquee across the document with the Zoom tool. But there is ... jeff witchel August 2, 2006 0
DesignInDesign Selecting Some, But Not All, Text. Selecting all text in a Frame is easy. With your I-bar cursor active in your text, press Command + A (Control + A on PC). ... jeff witchel August 1, 2006 0
DesignInDesign The All-In-One Links Update I have to update a brochure for one of my clients, so I copy all of the materials back onto my hard drive from DVD ... jeff witchel July 31, 2006 0
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop: Undo Part of an Action Matt Kloskowski shows how to add a one-click undo to an action in Adobe Photoshop. Matt Kloskowski July 28, 2006 0