IllustratorPhotoshopTutorials Photoshop and Illustrator Interaction Use Illustrator to define a graphic as a symbol and then create a design using the symbol as a brush. Then take the design back ... Corey Barker September 20, 2010 8
PhotoshopTutorials Senior Portrait Design in Photoshop, Part 2 In the second part of this two-part tutorial, continue using Photoshop to create a multi-layered design including multiple pictures, fonts and layer styles. Jessica Maldonado September 14, 2010 5
PhotoshopTutorials Senior Portrait Design in Photoshop, Part 1 In this two-part tutorial, use Photoshop to create a multi-layered design including multiple pictures, fonts and layer styles. Jessica Maldonado September 9, 2010 5
PhotoshopTutorials Advanced Layer Blending Learn to use the Blend If sliders in the layer options and avoid having to create complex selections or masks. Matt Kloskowski August 27, 2010 13
PhotoshopTutorials Layer Basics with Photoshop Extended Video Dave Cross reminds Photoshop Extended users that they can still use some of the basic layer functions to make adjustments to their video projects. Aaron Westgate August 20, 2010 7
PhotoshopTutorials Design a Price Tag in Photoshop Design a price tag that can be used in print and web advertisements. Jessica Maldonado August 16, 2010 6
IllustratorPhotoshopTutorials Using Symbols in Illustrator for 3D Effects in Photoshop Illustrator is a terrific resource for creating symbols. Corey takes those symbols into Photoshop and uses the new 3D tools to get creative. Corey Barker August 6, 2010 9
PhotoshopTutorials Stamp and Envelope Design in Photoshop, Part 2 In this two-part tutorial, viewers will learn how to use a stock image of a paper texture to design an envelope, a stamp, and a ... Jessica Maldonado August 2, 2010 6