PhotoshopTutorials Compositing Images using Channels in Photoshop, Part 2 Finishing up the composite that was started in Part 1 of this tutorial. Stephen Burns April 27, 2010 13
GearPhotoshop Photoshop CS5 Review There are a number of new features in this version making it worthwhile: Edge Detection, Content-Aware Fill, Puppet Warp, 64-bit for Macintosh, enhanced 3D features ... David Creamer April 23, 2010 12
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop CS5: Single Image HDR Use the new HDR presets and sliders to get a HDR tone on a single image in Photoshop CS5. RC Concepcion April 23, 2010 4
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop CS5: Refine Edge The new Refine Edge tools in Photoshop CS5 will assist users in making difficult selections, like selecting the hair of a subject. RC Concepcion April 23, 2010 9
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop CS5: Adobe Camera Raw The new camera raw allows users to easily correct and de-noise images. RC also demonstrates the new lens profile corrections. RC Concepcion April 23, 2010 1
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop CS5: Puppet Warp Corey demonstrates some creative uses for the new puppet warp tool by distorting an image. Corey Barker April 23, 2010 7
PhotoshopTutorials Photoshop CS5: 3D Repousse There has been a tremendous leap forward with the 3D tools in Photoshop CS5 Extended. In this tutorial, Corey uses the new 3D Repousse tool ... Corey Barker April 23, 2010 3
PhotoshopTutorials Compositing Images using Channels in Photoshop, Part 1 Composite a city skyline image using alpha channels as masks. In the first part of this two-part tutorial, use the apply image command and blend ... Stephen Burns April 20, 2010 5