Gear AKVIS Enhancer 3 AKVIS Enhancer 3 is the latest upgrade of this software, with the main enhancements being a new interface ... sherry london June 27, 2006 0
News Goosing the Podcast Model (MediaPost Publications) – Already a handful of free (read: ad-supported) video podcasts are defining the medium’s commercial potential. Aaron Westgate June 27, 2006 0
Gear Kanguru QuickSilver High-Speed SATA/USB 2 Hard Drive After testing quite a few external hard drives, the question is, “What’s the difference between them?” daniel m. east June 27, 2006 0
Gear Magma Effects for InDesign Magma Effects is a clever plug-in for InDesign CS and CS2 that allows a number of Photoshop-like edits ... David Creamer June 27, 2006 0
Gear huey Pantone and GretagMacbeth have collaborated to make a monitor calibration system that’s easy to use, works well, and ... Steve Baczewski June 27, 2006 0
Gear Adobe Premiere Pro 2 What else is new in Premiere Pro 2? How about HD support? Premiere can capture, edit, and output ... marcus geduld June 27, 2006 0
Gear StoryBoard Artist 4 Storyboards can help you sell your idea and save you time and money in production; however, they can ... dave singer June 27, 2006 0
Gear Extensis Suitcase Fusion Former Suitcase users will feel much more at home with the interface than Font Reserve users; however, Reserve ... David Creamer June 27, 2006 0