
When You Can't Go with the Flow of Linked Frames

I had designed a spread layout for a newspaper ad with a list of sale items starting on the left-hand page and continuing in a linked text frame on the right-hand page. After uploading the ad, I got a call from the newspaper production department asking if I could change the ad so that the frames were not linked. I said, “Sure, in a minute or two.” And he said, “How?”

The following is the tip I gave him: Select all your text in the linked second frame, copy it (Edit > Copy) and delete it. Your blinking I-beam should now be at the end of your text in the frame on the left-hand page. Click the Outport at the bottom of the this left-hand frame TWICE which will unlink it from the text frame on the right-hand page. Then, still using the Selection tool, double-click on the text frame on the right-hand page and paste (Edit > Paste) your previously copied text. You’re done! Talk about a timesaving tip, I didn’t have re-upload.

Tip provided by Jeff Witchel, Certified Adobe® Training Provider.

