Toshiba 4K Laptop – 500 Bucks off This Weekend Only
On Scott Kelby’s Blog this morning, Scott chatted a little bit about a discount that Kelby One Members may want to take part with.
A 15” Toshiba laptop with a 4K Touchscreen, 16GB of RAM, a copy of Lightroom, and a bunch of other stuff – for 500 dollars less than their sticker price. It retails for about $1799 – and they have a 200 dollar off discount through this weekend. Add to that your special discount from Kelby One of 300 bucks and now its $500 dollars off this laptop.
Discount Code is KELBY14KP50
Here’s the link with more details on the laptop. Again, this is a “this weekend only” deal, so if you’re in the market, jump on it quick.
I’ve been banging on this laptop for a bit now, and impressed with it so far. I will have it with me at Photoshop World next week in Vegas. If you want to see it first hand, make sure you stop by my class!