Small Flash Tutorial: Lights and Gels Techniques to Build Atmosphere
Step Four
Finally, let’s flip all three Speedlights back on and see what we have. Not bad for only using one light stand and a couple extra hands. From the pullback shot you can see that there really is a lot going into this image, but none of it looks out of place. The secret to good lighting is to not let the light itself draw attention away from the subject or the rest of the photo. This final shot stayed true to the location with its warmth and grit, only now we can actually see our model and the rest of the scene, too. All that’s left is to walk around the shot, try some different angles and compositions, and to have fun. Happy shooting!
Editor’s Note: If you enjoyed this article on Lighting with small flash, we have a lot more articles and tutorials on small flash. Eric Valind has a great view on these skills as do others. Check out his courses on KelbyOne or try this free tutorial on PlanetPhotoshop.