Kuler than Cool Color
In a previous tip, I discussed “knowhow,” one the panels found under the Window menu > Adobe Labs. The second Adobe Labs panel, found in the same submenu, is called kuler, which is a feed from Adobe’s kuler website. Kuler is an amazing website community that’s a great resource for color exploration, inspiration, and experimentation, as well as sharing of color combinations with other members – http://labs.adobe.com/technologies/kuler If you’ve used Live Color, you’re already familiar with many of the kuler tools. Any of the color combinations listed in the kuler panel in Illustrator (highest rated, newest, most popular) can be saved to your Swatches panel as a Color Group simply by clicking the Swatches button at the bottom of the panel. You can also join the website to participate in the kuler community and download your favorite color combinations to load into Illustrator, InDesign and other Creative Suite applications.
Tip provided by Jeff Witchel, Certified Adobe® Training Provider.