Sometimes you have an opportunity to go somewhere and photograph that ends up being a great day. I had that kind of experience when I was able to go shoot at Old Car City outside of Atlanta. I spent the entire day wandering around from one amazing car to another. At the end of the day I had a bunch of great images that I really liked and I wanted to do something besides having them hang out on my harddrive… and it just so happened that MPIX was unveiling some new Photobooks. Now I am not one to turn down an opportunity… so I created a book, ordered it and had it in my hands in under 48 hours. Photobooks are that perfect answer to a collection of images that belong together… such as to document a day of shooting and turn it into your own coffee table book, or perhaps that vacation with your folks that would make a great present. (If you are like me, you are crappy about thinking of presents and a Photobook is always a hit with family.)
Even my wife was impressed with my photos in the book, and she is a tough critic. I think it really had something to do with the overall presence and quality of them in one book. Warning! Once you get your first book printed, don’t do what I did… invite your neighbors over for coffee and then act surprised when you look down at the coffee table and say “Where in the world did that come from? I can’t believe this ended up here, but since it did… would you like to look at my book?” (Of course if you do give into this urge… I recommend that you go all out and by wearing a handle bar mustache, a paisley smoking jacket and smoke a ridiculously long pipe…:D)
Why am I telling you guys all this? MPix is currently have a sale going on – which is 40% off the new books and it runs until 8/5. So I thought I would give you a little boost to your photography. Just try printing one book and you will be hooked.
I put some of the images up on my blog at http://pete-collins.squarespace.com/pete-collinssquarespacecom/2015/6/18/old-car-city, but I like them better in my book. Something about the feel of it… oh, and by the way I am working on my handlebar mustache 😀