Rosco Flash Packs and Filter Kits

Tinted Filters for Hot-Shoe and Studio Strobes
Legendary gel and diffusion fabric manufacturer, Rosco Laboratories, which offers more than 1,200 gels and fabrics for photographers, filmmakers, architects, and the theatrical market, has introduced several new Flash Packs and Filter Kits for hot-shoe flashes, larger studio strobes, continuous lights, and LEDs.
With so many filters to choose from, it can be daunting to know where to start or what the results will be (aside from the usual suspect filters such as Color Temperature Orange). Realizing this, Rosco has created an ingenious set of Filter Kits for photographers and videographers. Organized by their intended use, each pack brings together the best and brightest that Rosco has to offer, and helps remove the mystery.
Hot-shoe flash users have four Rosco Flash Packs to choose from: the Strobist Collection (created in collaboration with David Hobby); the Beauty pack with hand-selected filters to enhance skin tones; CalColor for exact color control with primary and secondary colored filters; and the Digital After Dark pack with specialized filters for nighttime photography and light painting. Flash Pack filters are 1.5×5.5″, and sets include two bands for easily attaching filters to your flash.
For larger studio lights, Rosco's eight 12×12″ Filter Kits are the ticket. Use the Color Correction kit to balance studio lights on location; soften, sculpt, and texture light with the Diffusion kit; or use the Cinegel Sampler kit for a blend of color correction and diffusion options. Add vibrant contrasting colors using the Color Effects kit; produce primary and secondary lighting effects with the CalColor kit; and take your night photography to the next level with the Digital After Dark kit. Choose from the Beauty kit's hand-selected filters to enhance skin tones, and get the essential filters every photographer needs with the Photo Lighting kit.
Company: Rosco Laboratories
Price: Flash Packs: $24.95; Filter Kits: $34.95-59.95
Rating: 4.5
Hot: Clearly organized packs help remove the mystery
Not: Example photos for each gel would be helpful