Master Colors LLC Debuts Color Composition Tutorial Webinars for Designers, Artists and Photographers
Master Colors LLC has introduced a regular schedule of free Webinars for professional and amateur Adobe Photoshop and InDesign users.
This 45-minute presentation, titled "Using the HVC Color Composition System", will provide greater clarity and insight into the control and proper organization of color during the design process. This advanced knowledge of color composition technique immediately translates into higher quality work with greater efficiency and speed, saving designers time and money.
Participants in Master Colors’ Webinars say they gain a clearer understanding of how color really works. The Webinar is designed to finally put to rest questions designers artists and photographers have regarding color composition problems.
“For the first time in my professional career, I did not sweat a color combination. … I purchased the HVC Color Composer Pro, tried it out, had some excellent, and I mean top notch support from Master Colors with the few questions I did have… and the result, perfect color combinations that I could never have found on my own.”
— Jim Johnson, Art Director, California
The HVC Color Composer, Master Colors’ award-winning plug-ins for Photoshop and InDesign, has been very favorably reviewed by an assortment of Photoshop and InDesign luminaries in the Creative Professional field.
"This is certainly a product that serious digital publishers will want to have."
–Michael Kleper, Professor Rochester Institute of Technology, The Kleper Report
March 6, 2007
"After a few weeks with the HVC Color Composer, I actually think in HVC colors. It’s more intuitive than the other color spaces and the results are really beautiful. This one is a keeper!"
–Brian Lawler, Creative contributing Editor March 23, 2007
Assistant Professor of Graphic Communications at Cal-Poly, San Luis Obispo
Author of Adobe Print Publishing Guide
Master Colors offers designers in every field the satisfaction of having control of all colors in their work, whether it is a graphic design involving several colors or a highly complex work involving hundreds or even thousands of color choices.
The Master Colors HVC Color Composition System™ offers a simple, rational method that is easy to apply to any design or art project. During the Webinar, a Master Colors’ instructor will systematically walk participants through an effortless objective method of linking colors together to easily build true harmonic color compositions.
To sign up for Master Colors’ Free Webinar, titled "Using the HVC Color Composition System" go to Master Colors’ Home Page at:
Founded in 2000, Master Colors is the leader in color quantification technology. Our patented technology produces true harmonic color palettes organized at the fundamental level of combined HVC (hue, value, chroma) contrast. Master Colors’ HVC Color Composition System™ has revolutionized the field of color composition for designers, illustrators, artists, photographers and pre-press operators as well as producing more accurate color for final output on press.