Photoshop Changing Lip Shade in Photoshop This is a really handy technique for making the lips stand out by shifting the shade of the lip color, brightening the natural highlights, and ... Kelby One October 13, 2015 0
LightroomPhotography How Do I Stitch Together a Pano in Lightroom? In the Library module’s Grid view, Command-click (PC: Ctrl-click) on the images you want to combine into a single panoramic image. Scott Kelby October 9, 2015 3
Photoshop Using the Photoshop Shake Reduction Filter If you have a shot you took handheld in low light (so the blurriness was caused by shooting with a slow shutter speed), or if ... Scott Kelby October 8, 2015 0
PhotoshopTutorials Advanced Logo Technique in Photoshop This project really gives you a good idea of how powerful Photoshop can be as a design tool for creating logos. With so few tutorials ... Corey Barker October 6, 2015 0
Photoshop Applying Extreme Sharpening in Photoshop High Pass sharpening is sometimes called "extreme sharpening," and that's really a good description of what it is. Scott Kelby September 29, 2015 0
Photoshop Create the Picture Stack Effect in Elements Picture Stack is one of my favorite Guided edits, because this one would seriously take a ton of time if you tried to do it ... Scott Kelby September 24, 2015 0
Photoshop Photoshop Selections: Editing Just Part of Your Image In Lightroom, all the sliders in the Develop module pretty much affect the entire image at once. So, if you wanted to affect just part ... Scott Kelby September 22, 2015 0
PhotographyPhotoshop How to Get the Tilt Shift Effect in Photoshop The Blur filter gives you a really easy way to create the miniaturization effect you see all over the web. Scott Kelby September 18, 2015 0