
AppleScript Pro Sessions To Cover CS3

AppleScript Pro will include coverage of several products in Adobe’s recently announced Creative Suite version 3 in Denver, CO, June 18-22.

“We’ve always covered multiple versions of many applications, so from that point of view it’s business as usual for us to show both CS2 and CS3 scripts, and note the changes,” said Ray Robertson, session co-leader. “But some of the new features in InDesign CS3, including the ability to attach scripts to menus as well as have scripts run when the user performs certain actions, are very exciting.”

The sessions will devote nearly two full days to coverage of InDesign, with a further day focusing on Photoshop, Illustrator and Acrobat. Other sessions cover FileMaker Pro, BBEdit, and the latest version of OS X, as well as an introductory/refresher day.

“We have some great new things to show, including some we can’t announce just yet,” said Shane Stanley, session co-leader. “There’s a lot happening in the AppleScript world. For publishing-related companies, the possibilities–and potential cost savings–are huge.”

Guest speaker Matt Neuburg, author of “AppleScript: The Definitive Guide” from O’Reilly and TidBITS Contributing Editor since 1991, will cover creating workflows in Automator, and building actions in AppleScript Studio.

AppleScript is an approachable automation technology bundled with the Macintosh operating system. This will be the 10th session of this unique training event, and numbers are strictly limited. The classes are suited to both beginners and experienced scripters, and pricing starts at $1400 for any three days if registered by May 10.

For more details, visit the AppleScript Pro Sessions website at
