
ALAP Releases Imposer Pro 1.0.1 for Adobe Acrobat

A Lowly Apprentice Production, Inc. (ALAP), a leading developer of extended technology for the design and publishing industries, announced today the immediate availability of Imposer Pro 1.0.1 for Adobe Acrobat. This version is a maintenance update which resolves a number of customer reported issues with version 1.0. About Imposer Pro Imposer Pro for Adobe Acrobat is the third product to the Imposer Pro line. This version provides a very powerful and much needed imposition solution for users of Adobe Acrobat. Imposer Pro handles PDF imposition by creating a newly imposed PDF file. This method allows for on-screen previewing before printing, which provides an efficient imposition, allowing errors to be detected before materials are wasted. Imposer Pro features imposed page configurations from 2-up printer spreads to 8-up printer flats, as well as multi-page signatures and multiple sheets. There is also support for split web, sheetwise and multiple unit printing. The user interface also compliments the familiar look and feel of Acrobat. Read more 
