Gear SymmetryWorks 5 So far, each version of the SymmetryWorks plug-in gets better and better—and this version is no different! David Creamer June 8, 2010 0
GearPhotoshop Photoshop CS5 Review There are a number of new features in this version making it worthwhile: Edge Detection, Content-Aware Fill, Puppet Warp, 64-bit for Macintosh, enhanced 3D features ... David Creamer April 23, 2010 12
GearIllustrator Adobe Illustrator CS5 Review As the Creative Suite versions of the Adobe software mature, the list of new features for each program grows smaller, but the new features seem ... David Creamer April 23, 2010 14
Gear Extensis Universal Type Server 2.1 While both the Pro and Lite versions have had general speed enhancements and the obligatory bug fixes, most of the major new features affect the ... David Creamer February 9, 2010 1
Gear MAPublisher 8.1 You first create an Illustrator file and import the GIS data (in popular data formats such as AutoCAD, ESRI, MapInfo, and USGS) to create maps ... David Creamer November 4, 2009 0
Gear PDF2ID v2 Professional PDF2ID now comes in two versions: Professional and Standard. David Creamer September 9, 2009 3
Gear Q2ID v4 The main focus of Q2ID v4 is to support InDesign CS4 and QuarkXPress 8 files. David Creamer May 28, 2009 2
Gear EasyCatalog for InDesign CS4 As the name implies, EasyCatalog is actually easy to set up and use, but like most programs, one must read the (relatively short) manual to ... David Creamer May 18, 2009 3