On Location: Classic Car Photoshoot
Step Two

Tom Bols
For this shoot I hired Melissa. At almost 6′ tall with flowing long blonde hair, Melissa is about as all-American as you can get. I really wanted to keep the Chrysler name and the Nebraska plates in the image, so I had Melissa sit on the front bumper for the shot. To light Melissa, I used an Elinchrom Ranger pack and a 39″ octabank about 6′ away. Always remember lighting rule number one: The softness of the light directly relates to the size of the light to your subject, and how far away it is. The octabank would produce nice, soft light on Melissa at this distance. A passing storm added some great clouds in the background. I underexposed the sky about 1.5 stops to add some drama to the scene. I was happy with this one-light shot.