
Use Objects to Find a True Measure

I constantly find myself using the Rectangle tool to create objects that I will use as measuring devices. Let’s say that I wanted to create an object that was inset 1/4″ from the edge of the page on all sides. I would start by making sure Snap to Point and Smart Guides are selected under the View menu. Then click with the Rectangle tool (M) in the upper left hand corner of the Page. Type .25″ for the Width and then click on the word Height to insert the same .25″ inches. Then click OK. Now I would turn on my Rulers (View > Show Rulers) and drag Ruler Guides to the lower right corner of my selected Rectangle from both the vertical and horizontal Rulers. Then I’d drag my measuring Rectangle, snapping it to the lower right corner of the page. Then drag Ruler Guides to the upper left hand corner of the Rectangle (both vertical and horizontal). Now that I have my 1/4″ margins, I can click-and-drag with my Rectangle tool from the upper left margin to the lower right margin to create a Rectangle that’s precisely 1/4″ from the edge of my page.

Tip provided by Jeff Witchel, Certified Adobe® Training Provider.
